Thursday, August 28, 2008

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Hi Students,
The classroom is all set, books have been dispersed on your desks, and I am ready for Day One!
I hope you all have a terrific long weekend - I am going to a barbecue with Mrs. Owen, the instrumentals teacher who you will meet soon, and going kayaking with my family. See you Tuesday!

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School for Teachers!

Hello Kids and Families,
Today was the first day of school for me. The teachers from all three Montpelier schools convened at the high school for a day long workshop on teacher evaluations and assessments. It was good to see colleagues after a break. Tomorrow we will get to know all of our new staff members - Mr. Smith is our new Dean of Students, Mr. Francke is our new Principal, Ms. Baker is our new Guidance Counselor and we have numerous new classroom teachers and Instructional Assistants. Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday are work days at Union Elementary School. I will be busy getting ready for YOU! If you are in the neighborhood, stop in to say hello. See you soon!

Monday, August 18, 2008

New Hampshire Camping Trip

Hi Students,
I am in New Hampshire camping with my family and it's making me think about all of the fun nature activities we'll do this year. We've been hiking and berry picking and we went to a fish hatchery yesterday  -  I saw trout about 4 feet long! 
I also just got an email from the teacher of your pen pals in Orlando, Florida. Today is their first day of school! I will be matching each of you up with a pen pal for the year. It's a great way to practice writing AND make a new long distance friend. 
See you soon,
Mrs P

Monday, August 11, 2008

Getting the Classroom Ready!

Hello Students, I'm sure you have heard about the delay in our school opening. You will not be fourth graders until September 2! I am taking some extra time to get the classroom ready. I am unpacking all of the new notebooks, highlighters and chalk. I am putting hundreds of books on the shelves and cleaning the desks. I am also painting a shelf and setting up a new reading area. You will love it - it will be worth the wait!
Mrs. P

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Technology Integration at Work!

Hello Families and Students,

It is the first week in August and I doubt you are already thinking about school. But I am. I am in the middle of a Technology class with other teachers from around the state. We are learning some very cool ways to integrate technology into the curriculum and I'm excited to start. This class blog is one example of what we'll be doing. It is my intent that keeping up the blog will be a classroom job each week, just like watering the plants!
I have had a terrific summer, lots of camping and swimming with my family. Somerset and I raised caterpillars into butterflies, baked bread and grew tomatoes. I can't wait to hear about your summer! See you soon!

Mrs. P